Bosch defines sustainability as securing the company’s long-term success while protecting the natural environment for future generations. Hydrogen is a cornerstone of our strategy. In consequence we are bringing in our values and strengths along the entire value chain of a sustainable ecosystem. In doing so, we develop core products of electrolysis, stationary and mobile fuel cell applications. Utilizing our expertise of more than 100 years in industrialization and automation in combination with our digital service portfolio, we are convinced to drive the ramp-up of a green hydrogen ecosystem.
To produce hydrogen Bosch develops the heart of the electrolyzer, the stack, in a high-volume production. High-quality components from the automotive sector, such as the control unit, power electronics, and sensors, will also be used to complement the stack and provide our customers with a “smart module”. Along the H2 value chain, Bosch is developing the stationary solid-oxide fuel-cell, SOFC. SOFC systems are decentralized power stations which generate electricity and heat from biogas, natural gas and hydrogen. With an overall efficiency over 85%, the SOFC is the front-runner in energy efficiency.