Sven Goethals - Business Development Director Energy - TRACTEBEL

Sven Goethals

Business Development Director Energy

Sven is Tractebel’s Commercial Director of Hydrogen and Decarbonization. Passionate about overcoming the challenges of the energy transition, Sven is focusing on bringing to life large-scale hydrogen and decarbonization projects.

His almost 30-year career with Tractebel includes 20 years as design engineer and than project manager for multi-contract power and gas projects. He then joined the commercial teams for energy projects, covering renewable and thermal power, power distribution and gas. Currently based in his native Belgium, Sven is deeply committed to engineering a carbon-neutral future.

PHISHING & FRAUD WARNING: It has come to our attention that fraudulent companies are claiming to be selling the attendee contact list for World Hydrogen Summit. We urge our clients to be vigilant and not be fooled by these fraudulent claims. SEC has never sold our attendees contact details. We follow strict GDPR rules and treat our client’s data with the strictest of confidence. If you come across any of these phishing emails, please report them and delete them.    

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