Itske Lulof is Sector Head Energy & Climate at Invest International, a Dutch state owned impact investor. She is responsible for the development and financing of energy projects with a Dutch content in developing countries.
Green hydrogen gets specific focus as transformative new sector. In close partnership with Climate Fund Managers, we are developing green hydrogen infrastructure in emerging markets. Different types of risk capital are required to bring the sector to maturity. The green hydrogen team combines Business Development, Public Sector and Private Sector expertise and funding. Invest International also wants to support the development of the demand for green hydrogen supplied by emerging and developing economies. Itske focuses on that demand creation.
Itske holds a master in East-European studies and Energy & Environmental Sciences program at the University of Groningen and built her career in impact investing and business development both in Europe and emerging markets. Itske participated in the ‘financing table’ of the Dutch Climate Agreement, on behalf of the Dutch Banking Association.