Karlo van Dam - Director of Sustainable Industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy - Government of The Netherlands

Karlo van Dam

Director of Sustainable Industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
Government of The Netherlands

Panelist at:

  • SPOTLIGHT: European Hydrogen Policies

Karlo van Dam is director of the department responsible for the transition towards a Sustainable Industry at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy in The Netherlands. Van Dam is leading the government’s desired acceleration of making industry more sustainable, for which an overarching National Program for Sustainable Industry has been established. Previously Van Dam was member of the management team and deputy director at the Top Sectors and Industrial Policy Directorate. He also was manager of the Covid unit, and before that member of the management team at the Innovation and Knowledge directorate, both at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. Van Dam started his career at the Ministry of Finance. Van Dam studied Fiscal Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

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