The official hydrogen event in Rotterdam spoke to the world’s hydrogen and energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including the Chief of Partnerships from Aero Delft, Jason Michaels.

Jason Michaels is the Chief of Partnerships at Aero Delft. He came with a student team with the mission of flying the first liquid hydrogen plane piloted by 2 people. He came to showcase the progress made so far for the the step into a liquid hydrogen powered aviation industry. Also to network with new people as his company runs as a non-profit, so creating good business relationships with people is s a cool part of who they are. 

What has been your experience at the World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition? 

Yeah, really great. I think bringing the plane here was a really great idea. We’ve got a lot of attention so far. Also bumping into a lot of other people in industry who we know we’ve heard of and also a lot of our partners are here. So, it’s become a really good place to showcase our work and continue networking. 

Why is the World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition unique? 

As a company that’s working exclusively with hydrogen, an event with all of the players in hydrogen in one room all in the same place. You don’t have to go around looking for the right people and the right people are coming up to us and approaching us. 

What is your biggest takeaway from the event? 

Yeah, I think seeing so many people here today and seeing so much people with such a strong interest from a hobbyist point of view, but also from an industrial point of view, it’s really showing that the movement towards a hydrogen future is definitely happening. And the pace seems to be picking up, so it’s really good to see all of the public perception changing slowly and all of the company is moving in in what we consider to be the right direction towards decarbonizing, not just the aviation industry, but we’re seeing examples from trucking, from racing and all sorts of other areas of the industry. It’s really good to see. 

Produced by the Sustainable Energy Council in partnership with the Port of Rotterdam, the City of Rotterdam and the Province of Zuid Holland, the global event welcomes 8000 industry professionals, 170+ Speakers, 350 Exhibitors and 50 sponsors to share latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers:

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