At the largest & most senior global hydrogen event, we spoke to the world’s hydrogen and energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including Matthias Ziebell, Vice President Sales & Business Development Electrolysis Technology & Services, Robert Bosch GMBH.

Watch the full video below!

‘It’s a very good conference, meeting the right people along the value chain – our partners, our customers, and also for the presentations, for the panels and for the discussions we have, I think it’s a good place to come to. I think to ramp up quickly the while ecosystem of green hydrogen we need strong innovative partnerships, we need to closely work together, we need to start much more innovations in the energy environment. As far as I understand the energy environment innovation rate had been quite low and we have to increase it, meaning also we have to invest in this, Bosch is doing that and so we have to find innovative partners when innovative partners come together, they will accelerate things. For me, it’s very easy to meet people from the whole globe – we have a very international audience here. I can make appointments, I can meet people by accident, which is super, so I don’t have to travel so much and I can spend some time with the right people here, also with some top management level people, I think it’s a good combination.’

Join us at #WorldHydrogen2024

Produced by the Sustainable Energy Council in partnership with the Port of Rotterdam, the City of Rotterdam and the Province of Zuid Holland, the global event welcomes 15,000 industry professionals, 250+ Speakers, 500 Exhibitors and 70+ sponsors to share latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers.

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