Andreas Bieringer - Director, Green Hydrogen Business Development and Commercial, Masdar Green Hydrogen - Masdar

Andreas Bieringer

Director, Green Hydrogen Business Development and Commercial, Masdar Green Hydrogen

Panelist at:

  • SESSION 8: Realising Offtake Agreements and Demand for Hydrogen

Andreas Bieringer is Director Business Development & Commercial for Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company. He was appointed as Vice President for Business Development at ADNOC, Abu Dhabi’s National Oil Company, and assigned to join Masdar’s Green Hydrogen Business in May 2023. Before he was the Regional Head of the Middle East for Linde.

Mr Bieringer has over 20 years international leadership experience from working in different P&L responsible and leadership positions in the Middle East, South-East Asia, South Africa, Ireland & Germany. He played a pivotal role in setting up Clean Energy Market Strategies in the UAE and Saudi Arabia and establishing successful partnerships around Hydrogen and its derivates. As a Managing Director he was creating market leadership positions and secured growth opportunities in new business areas such as hydrogen mobility and fuel cells. He has successfully led multiple growth and transformation programs around restructuring as well as merger & acquisitions.

Mr Bieringer holds a master’s degree in Management & Economics from Witten/Herdecke University in Germany.

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