Dr. Dean Bialek - Chief Officer External Affairs & Government Relations - CWP Global

Dr. Dean Bialek

Chief Officer External Affairs & Government Relations
CWP Global

Moderator at:

  • SESSION 1:Leading Global Hydrogen Projects

Dean is CWP Global’s Chief of External Affairs & Government Relations, focused on the political, legal and commercial stakeholder dimensions of CWP Global’s growing pipeline of green hydrogen hubs across four continents. 


Dean spent two years as Lead Policy Advisor to UN Climate Champion, Nigel Topping, responsible for galvanising corporate climate commitments and action in the lead up to COP26 in late 2021.  Prior to that, he worked as senior political advisor to Christiana Figueres, leading architect of the Paris Agreement in her former role as Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC.   


He worked as a diplomat for six years, representing Australia at the United Nations in New York, then worked as a lead negotiator and legal advisor to the world’s island states in negotiations that led to the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. 


Dean has a PhD (International law) from the University of Melbourne, and a Master of Laws (Environmental Law) from the University of London (LSE / SOAS). 

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