Dr. Eva Ravn Nielsen is Global Advisor for Hydrogen & Power-to-X at Ramboll in Denmark. Ramboll is a global engineering consultancy that focuses on sustainability.

She has  13 years’ experience from electrolysis, fuel cell and e-fuel projects with industry and large-scale European demonstration projects. She has a thorough overview of the European energy system as well as overview of market trends and technologies for green hydrogen and electrofuels.

With her colleagues, Eva provides guidance through all phases of PTX projects and has completed 130+ green hydrogen projects since 2020.

For 10 years, Eva Ravn Nielsen was Centre Manager of the Test Centre for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies as part of the Technical University of Denmark.

Eva Ravn Nielsen is M.Sc. and Ph.D in Chemical Engineering.

2022 + 2023 finalist for World Hydrogen Award – Hydrogen Person of the Year.

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