Gurjant Randhawa - President and CEO -  Cipher Neutron

Gurjant Randhawa

President and CEO
Cipher Neutron

Speaker at:

  • Cipher Neutron

Gurjant Randhawa is a visionary and highly- respected professional with extensive background in Cleantech technologies with focus on Hydrogen. Gurjant is registered with Professional Engineers Ontario, a highly respected licensing and regulating body for professional engineering in the province.

Gurjant Randhawa is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cipher Neutron, a Canadian Research and Development company focused on Green Hydrogen production using AEM Electrolysers and clean power generation using Reversible Fuel Cells.

Gurjant successfully put together a global team of scientists, engineers, technology developers, and experts in hydrogen technology. Previously, he served as the Head of Research and Development for a very successful Toronto Stock Exchange listed company which markets globally carbon emissions reduction technologies. Gurjant co- invented several new technologies and filed many international patents in the hydrogen space.

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