H.E. Elisa Facio - Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining - Government of the Republic of Uruguay

H.E. Elisa Facio

Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining
Government of the Republic of Uruguay

Panelist at:

  • SPOTLIGHT: Hydrogen in the Americas

Elisa Facio is the Minister of Industry, Energy, and Mining since November 2023. As Minister, is responsible for defining and overseeing policies in areas related to industry, energy, mining, small and midsize enterprises (MSES), and telecommunications. Additionally, she manages the regulation of atomic energy for medical purposes and the registration of trademarks and patents.

Before serving as Minister, she was the General Director of the Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Mining, where she oversaw and provided advice on ministerial management.

Elisa Facio is a Computer Systems Engineer graduated from the University of the Republic of Uruguay and has a Master degree in Computer Engineering from the same University. She continues to be connected to the world of technologies as a teacher at the Postgraduate and Professional Development Center, of the Software Engineering Group of the University of the Republic of Uruguay. She had a distinguished professional career as a Software Engineering specialist in both the public and private sectors.

From 2015 to 2022, she was the president of the National Association of Affiliates (ANDA), a prestigious private financial institution in Uruguay. She served as the Vice President of Businesswomen Organization of Uruguay (OMEU) from 2018 to 2022 and led the gender equity commission of Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technologies (CUTI) from 2021 to 2022.

She is committed to promoting equity and empowering women to achieve economic independence. This is why she is a Certified trainer by ILO in Financial Education, conducting workshops on the subject for diversity of organizations.

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