Johan Knijp - Head of Technology Centre Groningen, Energy Systems - DNV

Johan Knijp

Head of Technology Centre Groningen, Energy Systems

Speaker at:

  • Norway Pioneering Low Carbon & Renewable Hydrogen and Ammonia

Johan Knijp has over 25 years of experience in the power, renewables and gas industry.
Within DNV (and KEMA) he successfully delivered projects for power and gas distribution
and transmission system operators, energy intensive industry, technology developers,
investors, regulatory authorities and governmental bodies.
Currently Johan is heading DNV’s Technology Centre in Groningen (the Netherlands). By
combining deep industrial expertise with test capabilities, DNV Technology Centres help
customers to understand and navigate the complexity of decarbonizing with trust. Currently
hydrogen has a prominent role. Johan is globally involved in many hydrogen research and
pilot projects on: building the safety case for hydrogen, re-purposing of gas infrastructure for hydrogen and low carbon
solutions for built environment, industry and mobility.
About DNV
DNV is an independent assurance and risk management provider, operating in more than
100 countries, with the purpose of safeguarding life, property, and the environment. As a
trusted voice for many of the world’s most successful organizations, we help seize
opportunities and tackle the risks arising from global transformations. We use our broad
experience and deep expertise to advance safety and sustainable performance, set industry
standards, and inspire and invent solutions

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