Mario is a business and regulatory expert for ports and port authorities, covering all aspects of port strategy and management, positioning ports as global gateways in the worldwide supply chain. Building on the longstanding and wide expertise of Port of Antwerp-Bruges, Mario has developed various port projects all over the world, aiming to create an attractive investment climate through balanced institutional and regulatory frameworks and embedding each project in a broader development framework.

Ports will continue to play a major role as energy and feedstock hubs in the energy transition and emerging green value chains. Port of Antwerp-Bruges International is a shareholder and active port developer in Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Asia and is ready to further expand its global port network and co-develop and co-create port platforms as engines for sustainable, inclusive development and to enable the energy transition.

Mario holds a Master degree in Law and is a seasoned ports professional with 15 years of experience and a strong legal, economic and financial background. Mario is Director Business Development and Strategy at Port of Antwerp-Bruges International and APEC-Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Center.

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