Matt Murdock - Founder & CEO - Raven SR

Matt Murdock

Founder & CEO
Raven SR

Matt Murdock, Founder and CEO of Raven SR, is an entrepreneur and civic leader with more than 30 years of experience starting and managing multiple projects in the U.S. and West Africa.  Matt has extensive knowledge of renewable energy and is also the founder of Alert Plus, a natural gas leak detection technology.


Matt has been involved with humanitarian and economic development projects in multiple African countries with Humanitarian Services for Development in Togo, Ghana and Benin, including famine relief, water and food security, local language literacy, agriculture, animal husbandry, support for local schools, microfinance and entrepreneurial training, and healthcare.


A Wyoming native, Matt has served as a board director of the Wyoming Association of Municipalities (WAM) and as a member of its Legislative Leadership Commission.


Matt holds a B.S. in Comparative Economics and a B.S. in Comparative Government from Georgetown University, with a year of study at University of Edinburgh.

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