Mattijs Slee is an energy business professional with broad technical and commercial background, motivated to bring scale to the energy transition to meet sustainable energy needs.

He graduated in 2006 with a MSc in Hydraulics from Delft University of Technology and worked on large scale energy projects around the world in various technical and business development roles in Shell. In 2017 he joined the just formed Renewables & Energy Solutions business as an Investment Director at Shell Ventures (corporate venture capital) where he invested in cleantech start-ups and innovative business model. Subsequently he took the position as Commercial Head at Shell Hydrogen responsible for developing an industrial and mobility clean hydrogen business in Europe.

In May 2021 he was appointed as CEO for Battolyser Systems, a cleantech high growth company that develops and manufactures a breakthrough integrated battery/electrolyser.
Mattijs holds a Global Executive MBA from INSEAD and lives with his family in Rotterdam.

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