Michelle Samson - Head of Strategy, Sustainability & Innovation - Rotterdam The Hague Airport

Michelle Samson

Head of Strategy, Sustainability & Innovation
Rotterdam The Hague Airport

Panelist at:

  • SESSION 13: Hydrogen Accelerating Sustainable Mobility

Michelle is heading the Strategy, Sustainability & Innovation department at Rotterdam The Hague Airport. She has a MSC in Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management from TU Delft in the Netherlands, and has been with Royal Schiphol Group for several years. Michelle is one of the authors of the Sustainability Vision and roadmap for Royal Schiphol Group.

Currently, Michelle is working on a new Airport Decree for RTHA according to the Mutual Gains Approach together with local stakeholders. She is an all-round expert with experience in integrating sustainability in the overall strategy, creating awareness and enabling knowledge about sustainability topics like energy, mobility and circular economy.

In 2021, she managed to get RTHA accredited for the ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation as first airport in the world directly to the highest level 4+. In 2023 the level is upgraded to the newest level 5+. The airport has a solar park of 14MWp next to runway, uses only fossil free fuel HVO100 and started to blend Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in 2024. Furthermore, the airport is preparing for hydrogen and electric aviation in the near future.

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