Mohammed Yahya Zniber is a chemical engineer with a degree from Grenoble University. He began his career in 1982 as engineer in charge of a production unit at Société Nationale d’Electrolyse et de Pétrochimie, before becoming Sales Director in 1987. In 1991, as Managing Director, he was responsible for starting up the Moroccan subsidiaries of the Spanish companies Quimigranel and Hispano Quimica. In 1997, he joined the government as a project manager for the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. In 1998, he founded SODEVIC in association with an Italian group specializing in the formulation and production of thermoplastic elastomers.

In March 2009, he was appointed Secretary General of the Department of Energy and Mines by HM King Mohammed VI. In this capacity, he participated in the development and implementation of Morocco’s energy strategy. He piloted the study on the new mining strategy and led the project for a new mining code. Mr. M.Y.ZNIBER has also initiated a wide-ranging review of the new management of the Department of Energy and Mines, based on a process-based management approach, as well as the establishment of a new IT master plan based on a deconcentration approach.

He has been a Director of various public establishments, including OCP (Office Cherifien des Phosphates) & ONEE (Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau). Mr M.Y.ZNIBER

Mr M.Y.ZNIBER has also represented Morocco at several events and negotiations in the field of Energy and Mining.

In March 2013, he joined the OCP Group as Executive Vice President of the OCP Foundation.

OCP Utilities and the related Industrial and Innovation Ecosystem.

Mr M.Y. ZNIBER is a director of the Jet Contractors Group and of its subsidiary JET ENERGY, in which he is actively involved.

JET ENERGY, where he has actively contributed to the development of the EPC (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) business in the field of renewable energies, notably photovoltaics.

In May 2016, he was also appointed Chairman of the Moroccan-South Korean Business Council of the Exceptional.

Confédération Générale des Entreprises Marocaines (CGEM- Moroccan employers’ association).

He is a member of the Board of Directors of CGEM’s Conseil d’Affaires Marocco Espagnol.

In 2019, he is also appointed Independent Director at Maghreb Steel with the aim of

contribute to the company’s development, diversification and restructuring the company.

Since June 2020, he has been Chairman of the Board of Maghreb Steel.

Since April 2021, he has been Chairman of the Green H2 Hydrogen Cluster.

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