Pedro Guedes de Campos - Director Business Development H2 and eSAF - Smartenergy

Pedro Guedes de Campos

Director Business Development H2 and eSAF

Panelist at:

  • SESSION 7: Financing Hydrogen Projects

Prior to joining SMARTENERGY Group AG to lead the H2 & eSAF Business Development, in February 2023 and for over 6 years, he was the Financial Engineering Officer of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership – a Joint Undertaking between the European Commission, the Industry and the Research, which acts as a European institution exclusively dedicated to the management of RD&I funds for developing fuel cells and hydrogen, providing insightful policy feedback to the EU.

Before that and since 2000, he held various positions in infrastructure, energy and environment businesses from the perspective of the public sector (European Commission – ECFIN and Portugal), the private sector and also as a consultant in Public-Private Partnerships and EU funding.

Pedro holds a degree in Economics and an MSc in Energy and Environment’s Economics and Policy.

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