Peter Daemen is the VP for Consulting & Project Development at Power2X , a global energy transition consultancy and project developer based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Building on a career in Shell as well as McKinsey & Company, Peter likes to cover the full energy value chain of both new and traditional energies. Today, he focuses on delivering impact in project development as a service, site transformations and corporate energy transition strategies for key clients of Power2X. He also leads Power2X’s bio- and e-methanol development efforts in Estonia.

Power2X is focused on large scale industry decarbonization projects scale, both in existing plants as well as in new built. The main area of business is around Hydrogen and other new energy carriers such as Ammonia and Methanol. Power2X has been involved in various projects across Europe and in other regions, one of its projects is the MadoquaPower2X venture in Sines, Portugal.

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