Priscillah Mabelane - Chairperson - National Transmission Company of South Africa (NTCSA)

Priscillah Mabelane

National Transmission Company of South Africa (NTCSA)

Panelist at:

  • Session 5: Financing Hydrogen Projects

Ms Priscillah Mabelane has over 25 years of experience in the energy sector with broad international leadership experience and a solid corporate track record of successfully leading and transforming large businesses in both the United Kingdom and South Africa.

Ms Mabelane is the Chairperson of the newly formed National Transmission Company of South Africa (NTCSA) created to spearhead the transformation of South Africa’s power sector.

Priscillah was recently the Executive Vice President at Sasol Limited, responsible for leading a multi-billion dollar energy business including upstream gas and renewables portfolios. She was instrumental in leading the formation of the low-carbon business of Sasol and driving the energy transition of the company. She also led the incubation of various sustainable energy projects in biofuels and green hydrogen with multiple partners, positioning South Africa towards becoming a future global green hydrogen and related derivatives hub, by unlocking the country’s huge minerals and renewables endowments.

Prior to joining Sasol, Priscillah was the Chief Executive Officer of BP Southern Africa (BPSA). She also held multiple leadership roles in BP including; Retail Operations Director at BP UK’s flagship retail business, and BPSA’s Chief Financial Officer. She also held various leadership roles at the Airports Company of South Africa, Ernst and Young and Eskom Holdings.

She is a Chartered Accountant and has completed the Advanced Management Program (AMP) at Harvard Business School in 2017.

She has served as Non-Executive Director of multiple listed businesses including Standard Bank Group Limited and Vodacom Limited. In January 2024, her appointment as the Chairperson of the newly established NTCSA was announced. The NTCSA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Eskom Holdings.

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