Ramon van den Dungen - Managing Director Energy Sector Coverage, Hydrogen Lead, The Netherlands - ING

Ramon van den Dungen

Managing Director Energy Sector Coverage, Hydrogen Lead, The Netherlands

Panelist at:

  • SESSION 7: Financing Hydrogen Projects

Ramon is a senior banking professional active across the energy sector, who is responsible for the coverage of a portfolio of strategically important energy clients in The Netherlands. In addition, he is ING’s hydrogen and CCS lead for The Netherlands. Throughout his career, Ramon has originated several first-of-a-kind and sustainable debt advisory, capital markets and lending mandates in the energy sector  and beyond.

Ramon has a passion for energy transition, building long-term relations with clients, coming up with pragmatic solutions for complex problems, and engaging people.

He has in-depth experience in client coverage, sustainability, debt advisory, investment and non-investment grade lending, private equity, acquisition, mezzanine and project finance.

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