René Peters is responsible for innovation in renewable gas at TNO, a Research and Technology Organisation of the Netherlands ( This includes research on production of (renewable) gas, transport and storage, biogas, CO2 and hydrogen. He received this PhD thesis at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 1993. He started his career at Shell Research (1993 – 1998), after which he served in several technical, commercial and managerial positions in TNO since 1999. His current position is business director gas technology, where he is also managing the Dutch National Innovation Program on Geo Energy within TKI New Gas.  He is an advisor to the Dutch Government as a member of the ‘’council of experts’’ for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and, he is a board member of the IRO branch organization for the supply industry for offshore oil and gas and renewable industry since 2016 and also board member of the WEC NL, the world energy council Dutch section. He is member of the program board of the North Sea Energy program on system integration in offshore energy ( and coordinator of the national innovation program on hydrogen transport and storage under the GroenvermogenNL program.

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