Robin Le Corre - Hydrogen Leader – Group & Energy | Cryogenics - Fives Group

Robin Le Corre

Hydrogen Leader – Group & Energy | Cryogenics
Fives Group

Robin Le Corre is the Hydrogen Leader at Fives, an international engineering company supplying machines, process equipment and production lines for the world’s largest industrial groups.
Robin has been working for Fives for the past 2 years and is in charge of developing Fives’ positioning in the Hydrogen ecosystem. His focus is on the monitoring of Fives H2 strategy plan, the development of partnership with external stakeholders, the relationship with key customers and the development of H2 dedicated R&D program.

Prior to Fives, Robin worked as a strategy consultant in leading consulting firms and holds a Masters Degree both in Economics from HEC and Industrial Engineering from EPF.

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