Since January 1, 2023, Dr. Sami Pelkonen has taken up the role of Executive Vice President – Green Hydrogen, Renewable Fuels and P2X in the Andritz Group. Under Sami’s leadership the business division is responsible for the entire value chain from technology, fabrication, engineering, delivery and service.

Dr. Sami Pelkonen is married and is father of three daughters. Born in Finland on November 4, 1966, he holds a doctorate degree in chemical engineering from the University of Dortmund and a
masters degree in chemical engineering from the University of Technology in Helsinki. He worked in the thyssenkrupp Group from 1997 to 2022. From 2016 to 2022, he led the Chemical Plants Business Unit, the Uhde Business Unit, and the Electrolysis and Polymers Business Unit, which collectively had more than 4,000 employees. During the same period, he served as Chairman of the Shareholder Board of thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers GmbH (today named thyssenkrupp nucera), the joint venture formed by thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG and De Nora. In 2015, he was appointed CEO of the joint venture, contributing significantly to the future growth and integration of the joint ventures various subsidiaries (located in Germany, Italy, Japan, China, and the US). Before becoming CEO of the joint venture, he held several executive and operational roles in the electrolysis business of thyssenkrupp Uhde.

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