Sofia Esquivel Elizondo - Low-carbon Energy Scientist - Environmental Defense Fund

Sofia Esquivel Elizondo

Low-carbon Energy Scientist
Environmental Defense Fund

Speaker at:

  • Using the Latest Science to Maximize Hydrogen’s Decarbonization Potential

Dr. Sofia Esquivel currently focuses on alternative fuels and their climate, environmental and social impacts. Her research evaluates alternative fuel options and their various production pathways to assess opportunities, challenges and associated risks. She earned her PhD in Environmental and Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University. She developed her doctoral thesis at the Biodesign Institute, where she studied the bio-production of hydrogen, methane, and other fuels from gaseous and solid wastes. After her PhD, Sofia did her postdoctoral research at the Max-Planck Institute for Biology in Germany, where she studied the conversion of industrial wastes into bio-oils and the Power-to-Methane platform.

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