Stefanie Murphy - Director of Hydrogen and Industrial Carbon Capture - UK Government

Stefanie Murphy

Director of Hydrogen and Industrial Carbon Capture
UK Government

Panelist at:

  • SPOTLIGHT: European Hydrogen Policies

Stef Murphy’s civil service career has largely centred on energy policy, where she has led teams working on new nuclear policy, nuclear security and resilience and oil and gas.  She has also worked in strategy for energy and climate change and to coordinate BEIS’s work on EU Exit.  Alongside Paro Konar, Stef then became Director for Industrial Energy (IE)  in BEIS, responsible for strategy, policy development and delivery on industrial energy and decarbonisation issues.  Stef is now Director of Hydrogen and Industrial Carbon Capture in the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero, jointly with Paro, leading the development of the low carbon hydrogen economy and industrial carbon capture – key technologies for industry’s sustainable growth.

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