Tarik Hamane - Acting CEO - Masen (Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy)

Tarik Hamane

Acting CEO
Masen (Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy)

Speaker at:

  • Country Spotlight: Morocco

Mr Tarik Hamane is the General Manager and Acting CEO of Masen, the central player of renewable energies in Morocco and the focal point for the Moroccan Offer for Green Hydrogen.

Over the last 19 years, Mr Hamane has successfully led the development and supervised the construction of several large-scale conventional and renewable power generation and infrastructure projects comprising of over 4.8 GW in power. With 15 years of combined experience at ONEE and Masen, he has been directly responsible for the development and implementation of more than 40% of all Moroccan Power Generation Capacity. He also led numerous green hydrogen projects worldwide with Total Energies with a fleet of more than 60 GW of Green H2 Projects under development in several countries.

Mr Hamane started his carreer in France where he held strategic positions at Suez and CNRS.

He is an engineer in Electrical Engineering and Automation. He also holds a master’s degree in Industrial Information Systems and an MBA.

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