H2News is an information platform that provides comprehensive information about hydrogen developments in politics and industry as well as at the municipal and regional level. In addition to national and international research and industry, our focus lies on the mobility and heating markets. As a platform for industry experts and outsiders alike, we want to promote the exchange on hydrogen at all levels. Since the beginning of 2023, H2News has been presenting interesting hydrogen projects to start-ups in the gas branch’s trade journal gwf Gas.


PHISHING & FRAUD WARNING: It has come to our attention that fraudulent companies are claiming to be selling the attendee contact list for World Hydrogen Summit. We urge our clients to be vigilant and not be fooled by these fraudulent claims. SEC has never sold our attendees contact details. We follow strict GDPR rules and treat our client’s data with the strictest of confidence. If you come across any of these phishing emails, please report them and delete them.    

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