Reporting By: Innovación Tour
Date Published: 11 May 2022
Photo Credit: Innovación Tour

With a world-class exhibition, a strategic summit of senior executives, technical seminars and the 2nd Hydrogen Awards Ceremony, Chile hopes to enhance strategic alliances and deepen work to enable global H2V trade.

The Antofagasta region is emerging as one of the main poles of green hydrogen development in the country and to reinforce it, the General Directorate for the Promotion of Exports of Chile – ProChile participates with a public-private regional delegation in the World Hydrogen 2022 Summit & Exhibition, an event that brings together the main leaders of this industry at a global level.

Puerto Angamos, Puerto Mejillones, Complejo Portuario Mejillones, Oxiquim and 3 local guests are part of the commission that traveled to Rotterdam and will participate in a conference to meet with representatives of governments, investors, private sector leaders and technology manufacturers to show, discuss , collaborate and do business, driving the Hydrogen industry forward.

“Mejillones is in a privileged position in this matter and we believe that it has great potential to become the gateway for green hydrogen. Sharing experiences on how to coexist between industry and community is a very current question, therefore, we believe that this public-private effort seeks that objective and we hope that it will be fulfilled”, comments José Robles, General Manager of the Mejillones Industrial Association.

This initiative is part of a series of actions that make up ProChile’s green hydrogen diplomacy strategy and aims to consolidate its production, use and export. “To develop and finance this new industry, we are sharing information, knowledge and experiences, placing our regional management in a central role in the creation of a corridor that will allow the hydrogen produced in a renewable way in this region to be exported and distributed efficiently to the world” , explains Marcia Rojas, regional director of ProChile.

“We are very anxious to participate in World Hydrogen 2022, with world leaders and people prepared on this issue, we know that our country has the necessary conditions to be a large-scale clean energy generation pole and thus take a step forward. in terms of renewable energy, which will benefit our entire community and the world”, says Marcelino Carvajal, Mayor of Mejillones.

The World Hydrogen 2022 Summit & Expo is the leading global platform dedicated exclusively to advancing the hydrogen industry organized by the Sustainable Energy Council (SEC). Chile will be present with an Info Point and visitors to the Expo will be able to learn about its energy potential and the main projects of its green hydrogen strategy announced in November 2020. Since then it has positioned itself globally as one of the main players and future main exporter.

The potential of renewable energy in Chile is over 2 terawatts, which is equivalent to 80 times the energy demand of Chile. This capacity, applying the plant factors of the different technologies, much higher than those presented in other countries, is enough to generate some 200 million tons of green hydrogen per year, three times the current production of hydrogen worldwide.

>> Read online article here >>

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